Most of the past plans for developing Hayle Harbour have had
the idea of bridges linking various parts of the harbour, and the current plans
were no exception.
INGs proposals which changed as the ideas developed mainly
showed a footbridge between the centre of South Quay and Penpol Terrace,
landing on the grass bank, with a crossing to the shops on Penpol Terrace,
integrating the new Supermarket car park with the existing shopping centre, in
effect creating a circular route under the viaduct into Foundry Square and back
around to the Supermarket, which will have North and South main entrances. This
would mean that whatever challenges Foundry shops face from the new Supermarket
could be balanced by a proportion of the new shoppers easily accessing the rest
of the Penpol and Foundry shops and services before or after a Supermarket visit,
using the 3 hours free car parking.
This bridge would link directly across the car park to the
public footpath Rights of Way around Carnsew Pool, and down past the Weir to
the Point.
A bridge at this location would be attractive, useful, and
become an integrated part of the new shopping area.
This is mainly what has been pictured in press releases and
on the Internet, so people could be forgiven for thinking it was what was going
to happen.
IT IS UNDER THREAT THOUGH, of being ‘POACHED’ by the “Hayle
Harbour Trust” originally formed to oppose the ING harbour development, formed
from the “Friends of Hayle Harbour” who opposed the development, which in turn
had been formed from the “Hayle Residents Association” who were at that time
opposing the harbour development.
The Hayle Harbour Trust (HHT) seek to be the recipients of
harbour land and property when ING complete the development and move on, hoping
to become the body that owns and manages Hayle Harbour in the future. (There
will be Public Consultation on that in 2013.)
HHT would like to take over East Quay, where Baumbachs Boat
Builders are, Strawberry Blonde’s hairdressers, the shellfish processing
warehouse and the old Gasworks/Tyre Services depot etc. They have evolving plans
for east Quay, but as the existing owners may have their own ideas of what
should happen, we are some way away from any concrete proposals.
HHT want the bridge for THEIR plans, sited at the sea end of
South Quay behind Philps Pasty Factory and shop, to connect South Quay to
whatever future development MIGHT (or might not) happen on East Quay.
How many shoppers would walk all the way from their cars to
the end of South Quay, cross a bridge to have to cross the road somewhere near
the Royal Standard Pub and that road corner to access the Penpol Terrace shops?
Few if any I suspect, and I believe that NOT having the bridge across the
middle of Penpol Creek damages the whole future of Foundry as a shopping area.
Let Hayle Harbour Trust seek the funding for “their” bridge
themselves in the future, if their ideas ever come to fruition, but please don’t
damage the future prosperity and viability of Foundry shopping area by ‘stealing’
the centre bridge over Penpol Creek!
There will be an EXHIBITION AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION on the siting
of the bridge at Passmore Edwards Institute, Hayle on 13th December
2012 from 12.0 noon, midday to 6.30pm which will be the basis for deciding where the
bridge goes.
Graham Coad.