Monday, March 26, 2012

North Quay new road and Swing Bridge OPEN

Sometimes it’s the little things that bring pleasure.
Tonight I was returning from seeing my father on his 80th birthday when I noticed that the old North Quay swing bridge had re-opened after road works the other side.

I swiftly turned around in the Central Garage and had the simple pleasure of driving over the old bridge and appreciating the new seawall and road surface, but THEN I noticed that the new elevated North Quay road was open…Deep joy!

With great satisfaction I drove for the first time along the new road, opened this afternoon, right down to where the Wave hub is then turned around and drove back, enjoying the experience, and the open prospect and views.

All these years after the harbour closed to major shipping  and all Hayle’s industries fell like dominoes, it is so satisfying to see major construction work rebuilding hayle harbour, and in my father, Bob Coad’s lifetime……..

One small drive for me, one significant step for Hayle Harbour!

Well done Council, Good work Carillion.

Graham Coad.

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